Thursday, May 1, 2008

Royal Rajah Ruby

Well, this is a terrifying experience! Today marks a sad, sad day in my life. I have decided to stop living only in my head and put my random thoughts down into a blog. I know, I know...what the hell am I thinking? I am not that wity, or funny or even smart - but after two years in a surburban hell, I need to talk to someone sane. But, I guess the next closest thing is talking to myself via the net.

Today's news: I painted my nails! I NEVER paint my nails. I really am a late bloomer as far as make up, shoes, hair etc. All the girlie stuff was lost on me in my youth, I was a tomboy and until recently, didn't care at all about frivolous things like nail polish. Maybe, it is because had my kids early in life. I was 20 and 25 when I had my children - two sons who never cared what color my nails were. So, you can understand why this momentous occasion pushed me to join the millions of people who blog their daily lives.

Back to the topic at hand....I used a new O.P.I. shade from the India collection called Royal Rajah Ruby. It is an awesome shade of dark Ruby red with a Chocolaty base. It took about 90 minutes to get the job done because I suck at it.
Which is glaringly obvious by the pics (just squint a little when looking at them). When the deed was finally done, I felt exhausted, proud and sophisticated. This, I thought to myself aloud, is my contribution to my family. I saved my husband some dough by doing it myself. I saved the earth a few minutes of air as I didn't drive to the salon, and my kids (now 9 and 14) have a trendy and pulled together mom to be proud of. I feel utterly satisfied. For right now, I refuse to feel guilty about the chemicals in the polish or the gas I used to get to the store to buy the polish...I can only do so much in any given day.

Now I am back to my normal life. I sure hope the plumber appreciates the savvy SAHM he is servicing today.

Thanks for stopping by - I am getting excited about having a home for my useless thoughts and silly time wasters. If I can only use this blog as a landfill for all the junk that floats around my head, I may have room for more important things to lay permanently in my brain. What those things may be, I don't know yet....but, gimmie a break, it's my 1st day.

Tomorrow's entry: Who am I and why am I addicted?

1 comment:

Astro Galaxy said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog!
Congrats on your first post!
Happy Blogging!
Have a GREAT weekend!